Manuscript Submission

Welcome and thank you for considering Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences for submitting your work.

By submitting a manuscript to the journal, authors ensure that they strictly follow guidelines and ethics of the journal.

Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript, through online submission. If authors face any technical problem with online submission, they can send the article through an email attachment to the editorial office at The submitting author takes responsibility for the article from submission until publication (during peer review and in-house process).

The documents required for new manuscript submission should comprise:

  • Cover letter
  • Manuscript file (Including title page, full manuscript body text, conflict of interest statement, funding information, and references)
  • Article table of contents mentioning all levels of headings
  • All tables and table legends (in order of citation within the manuscript text)
  • All figures and figure legends (in order of citation within the manuscript text)
  • Supplementary materials (if any)
  • The name and e-mail address of the contact author who will check the proof of the paper.

Manuscript Categories

Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences requires authors to carefully choose the appropriate article type for their manuscript.

  1. Research Article
  2. Case Report
  3. Editorial
  4. Review Article
  5. Mini Review Article
  6. Conference Proceedings
  7. Corrigenda
  8. Short Communication
  9. Book Review
  10. Letter to the Editor
  11. Commentaries and Opinions

Processing Time

Average manuscript life cycle at Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences:

  • Rejection without Peer-review: less than one week
  • Peer-review process: less than two weeks
  • Revision of manuscript by the author: less than two weeks
  • Re-review of the corrected manuscript: less than one week

Average time taken for the manuscript to appear online: Four to Five weeks

Publication Charges

Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences is an open access journal. In the open access publishing model, publication is considered the final phase of the research process, and the publication fee of an article is paid from the author’s research budget or by the grants of their supporting institution. The publication fee covers the entire cost of the publication process, which includes:

  • Peer-review management by the editorial staff and board
  • Preparation of manuscript in various formats for online publication
  • Hosting, archiving, and maintaining the manuscript
  • Manuscript preparation such as copyediting, formatting, adjusting layout
  • Developing and maintaining electronic tools for peer review and publication
  • Immediate, worldwide open access to the full article text

Publishing an article in Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences requires Article Processing Charges of 950 USD that will be billed to the submitting author after the acceptance of an article for publication. Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences provides a waiver to authors belonging to Low-income economies or Lower-middle-income economies (as per the classification of countries given by the World Bank as of July 2015). Authors who do not have funding may contact Mrs. Emily through editor[at] for any available waivers. Note: These publication charges are applicable to invited authors as well.


Science has always been an international pursuit. The Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences is committed to using modern communication methods such as video files, spoken audio files, audio files synchronized with a text web page, and flash multimedia for conveying scholarly content. Authors can create and submit review articles, research articles, experimental techniques, case reports, anatomic overviews, and more in visual format.

All multimedia articles submitted to the Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences are peer-reviewed as part of the mainstream submission process and all published multimedia articles are accessible through the journal or through YouTube. The new mechanism allows videos to be cited in the same way as a written article in a traditional open access publication. Every multimedia article published in Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences will have an open discussion forum freely accessible to anyone.

Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences maintains certain standards for all multimedia files it publishes. The journal accepts playable multimedia files with the following file extensions:

Audio: .aiff, .au, .midi, .mov, .mp3, .ra, .wav
Video: .asf, and .wma, avi, .gif, .mov

The author must include all the details of multimedia files such as size, type of the player, etc., in a separate document. The authors must check for the following criteria before submitting their multimedia files so that they reach the widest possible audience:

  • Is it compatible with commonly used browsers and mobile devices?
  • Is the audio clear and easy to hear, especially the voices?
  • Is the picture focused with sufficient lighting?
  • Is the video clear and camera work steady?
  • Are images of sufficient quality and adequately captioned?

Online publication of multimedia articles opens up a whole new form of learning, and the sharing of knowledge can occur even faster.

Licensing and Copyright

The Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences publishes all its articles under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) License, which permits use, distribution, and reproduction of the information in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Authors retain the copyright and grant the journal an exclusive license to publish.

Copyright aims to protect the specific way the article has been written to describe an experiment and the results. The Journal of Cardiology and Cardiovascular Sciences is committed to its authors to protect and defend their work and their reputation and takes allegations of infringement, plagiarism, ethical disputes, and fraud very seriously. Copyright on any research article is retained by the author(s). Authors grant the journal a license to publish the article and identify itself as the original publisher. Authors also grant any third party the right to use the article freely as long as its original authors, citation details, and publisher are identified.